I'm sick of buying apps just to have them abandoned. This is why software piracy is such a big deal
I am glad to pay this theme again if it'll support Android 11 or 12. You may add an annual subscription for users.
Good overall though I hope for development for Android 11
Make it for 7.1 android
By far the best white theme for Substratum. It's my go-to theme and always will be! Thank you DeadmanxXD for continuing support for this theme. Hopefully Android 11 support will come soon!
#Beloisbeautiful I really like the gradient feature. SimpleElegent
This is an amazing well-rounded theme
beautiful white theme
In substratum community i really admire the work of Niklas and yours always I switch between substratum provided by you too. But recently i see that you have focussed your work on FAB which is great but i certainly want Belo to get more features like you have added recently in FAB. However its your project and you have every right to do what you feel right. best of luck.
Please update this beautifull theme